Of my demise are greatly exaggerated.
In fact quite the opposite, while I've not been visiting the computer much, I have had a significant fall.
On a terrific early September day I married my best Gal Jennifer! We did the deed down at Vino in the Valley, near the shores of the Rush River. It was a smaller ceremony, just good friends and some family which was nice. We followed it up with a throwdown at Little Whiskey complete with campfire singalongs and the whole nine yards. Jennifer keeps suggesting we do it again, it was a day to remember!
There's been some fishing as well, some really amazing fishing to be quite frank...where do I start.
The Sturgeon season on the croix came and went pretty quickly, despite the addition of the C/R season on the tail end. The weather was just too damn nice and the water temps really didn't start to dive until the last week or so, when the fishing actually really picked up and got good. We never landed a 60"er this year, which was the minimum, but did get a couple 3-4 that were close. I only did a couple of trips due to the whole Coast Guard license controversy, more to come on that. Oh ya, on the sturgeon....."feel the power!" proclaimed another angler, a regular to my area...he cracked me up...
I had a kick ass trip to the upper Flambeau with Brad, Lucky Porter and Tom M. We pulled a long distance overnight float on some seldom fished water. The weather was out of this world for mid September and the muskies were seriously snapping. As I had declared this trip an MMA (mixed martial angling) adventure, I decided to huck a topraider (my one bait) around the landing area while waiting for the shuttle. Good thing I did, I raised 2-3 fish just within casting distance and it was determined game on! We got rolling and about 400 yards downriver located a nice hole to wade & cast to. After the pool had been beat to a froth with big flies, I chucked mr topraider in, from the anchored boat where I was enjoying a cold one....Big Wake, angry fish, Violent Strike! Damn near at the feet of Brad too, I better get outta the boat! Turned out to be a nice stout 40" river muskie and only the shape of things to come. All in all we landed 5, I got another 40" and lost a freak. Add to that a little after dark cat fishing with frogs and 35" channel cats and you've got a great trip. Oh, and we ate musky too, my first time. It was a 36" fish that lucky deep hooked on Ghost Lake, so it was legal, and tasty!
The Apple River provided some late season action as well. Brad brought the boat down and we got on it 3 days straight in Nov. Only 1 landed but we saw 12-15 a day, chasing flies and occasionally taking a shot at them. We never did get the float down the tubing water, next year I guess.
The fall fly fishing was overall a bust, save for one crazy night with Fred, where I lost the biggest trout I've had one in the Midwest, the fabled 26"er I fear. I do enjoy hooking them and know it's all about the ride, but I wanted that fish. It was a full moon, 1 am or so....one good night and that was it. Good thing early season is just a few months away.
hey, just like that it's ice fishing time! Ingy and I got out last friday for the inaugural day and it wasn't too shabby! they cut the panfish limit in the county down to 10, mixed. So with a little sorting I had a nice bag of 11" crappies and 8-9" gills, made for a tasty dinner. I like to harvest panfish, they are delicious and somehow I don't mind picking through the little fella's, I'll keep going to get some meat in the freezer, if they make it that far. I've been out a couple times with the same results, but with a lack of pike however. Speaking of, I lived up to my namesake on friday with the biggest Pike I've landed in some time. Nice long, but extremely heavy 39" fish, Ingy's crusty scale said 13lbs, I say 16-17 easy. She'd have made 12-13 jars of pike, but I released her in hopes of seeing her hit 40" and 20lbs.
Here's a good pic of the monster Pike!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
miller time
Afternoon All!
The bugs seen in the image on the front page are the venerable White Miller. The millers are a lesser known hatch in our area, in fact good intel on them is hard to come by for the most part. With a little research yesterday, I did learn a little more about their life cycle, which I might add is quite interesting. All I know is trout love 'em and if you can find them, the action can be fast and furious. This image comes from "river X", those who know me or follow the flog know of "river X".
Last night the millers treated me right, I got my largest stream trout of the season (21" +) on a dry about 10pm or so, epic. and no you cant come with me next time, it's my river dammit!
Did I mention the big spiders were out? Ginormous wolf spiders inhabit the shorelines of river X, there on a mission to attack and kill any unfamiliar anglers who happen to stumble down there. Last night I counted a dozen or so of my minions, all guarding their nest's and ready to pounce on whomever I tell them to. Did I mention they were about 2.5 to 4" in diameter. I'll grab some more pic's on wednesday, but in the meanwhile I'll load an image from last year.
whew. nook burger hangover. Jen J and I went up the street to the original nook (saint paulites know the place), came home with intentions of making cookies and walking the dog but ended up on the couch snoozing at 7pm instead.
Back to blogging, 'er flogging as it were.
Whahoo & Robbie are up fishing with Brad for a couple days, muskies out of the drifter. Certainly a good time and as Brad told Robbie, bring your big boy pants....and maybe a change of underwear too.
For those of you not in the immediate know....I'm getting married in less than 2 weeks! I'm pretty stoked, really stoked in fact to be wed to my gal Jennifer. We've been together for quite some time now and I'm really looking forward to the wonderful and amazing things we're going to do together. She's something special that Jen J. The nuptials will take place on 9-5-09 down at Vino in the Valley, this sweet outdoor restaurant and vineyard down on the lower Rush River. Reception to follow in El Paso at Little Whisky. There'll be some beers, some live bluegrass jams and I'm guessing a trip to the El Paso Bar and Grill as well. And if this gal wasn't cool enough, she's camping out on her wedding night with a bunch of close friends. keeper...
Today I was on the Kinni with Les and his son Eric from Soiux Falls SD. Both Les and Eric were rookies, but dang eager rookies willing to soak up info and learn about this trout stream thing and all it involves. I explained a little about my "field trip and you might catch a fish" method and it hit home with both of them. It's so very refreshing once again, to have clients who understand and appreciate the life beyond the stream, and it's no wonder as Les and Eric were embarking on a father & son organic farm project together in SD. BRAVO! These are two fellas immersed in nature and working their butt's off at restoring Harmony within the soil they are working with. I cannot honestly think of a more humbling and rewarding work, and I'm guessing it's hard work. They are versed in many aspects out of the normal farming realm when it comes to how they plan to go about this work, not the least of which is the study of bio dynamic farming, of which Jen J has enlightened me on. google it to learn more, suffice it to say it is a holistic but yet simple and sensible way to grow crops. Oh, and the fishing was OK too. We'll be at it again tomorrow, refining what we learned today and adding some other techniques to the mix as well.
On that note, I'm out. I'm off to rally Jen for a dog walk and an early to bed as I'll be up at 5am again tomorrow.
reel good then.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Working backwards......
Bad Bad blogger......
So, while Jennifer was away I helped myself to a full heaping of angling, roughly 37 days in a row. Suffice it to say I was tired, having piled that on top of work and guiding duties. It's all good though, not complaining and yes, she's been home now for a couple weeks and so ends the hitting streak.
That's how things go sometimes, a fella gets streaky and focused on the task at hand. Those 37 some odd days were filled with some serious and not so serious adventures. I'll do my best to re-cap the last couple blog free weeks.
Working backwards... Last week was all about the trout, in fact that sums up the last couple weeks as I've been laying off the muskies till this week. Tuesday and Wednesday I had the great pleasure of fishing with Mr. Jerry Shurson of the Twin Cities here. Jerry was just beginning his fly fishing career and had a decent base from his other angling experiences and a little smallie/fly fishing on the local rivers. Our goal was simple, get him up to speed on the ways of the local trout water, refine some techniques and catch some damn fish! Jerry was a quick study, perfected his roll cast straight away and proceeded to clean up on the local trout population. Once in a while you get a client who can really put 2 & 2 together, get a fish and see the direct results. Jerry was such a client. We fished the Kinni both days, had one good morning of Trico's and one day of tornadic mayhem. Jerry caught the smallest fish I have ever seen mouth hooked on a fly. Size 20 midge emerger > 1.25" longnose dace. see image, it's almost not believable but he did it. He gets the "dink" award, hands down. I'm very much looking forward to another day with Jerry, we got on really we'll and had a great time. Maybe the Brule in October for a weekend, lets do it Jerry! My other trips have gone pretty well. Had a nice outing on the Rush early last week, with a group of 4 retired gents and my guide buddy Mr Andy Roth. This was a few days before the recent deluge of water and the Rush was still low and clear, but fishing well. Caddis on the surface and nymphs were the ticket. You wont hear me talk much about specific patterns because for the most part, I don't adhere to any specific patterns. it's more of a "put it in the spot" approach, knowing that good presentation trumps the pattern details in most cases. I know I'd get a good argument from the fly techs but that's just the way I play it. So small buggy nymphs, hows that..... Like I said earlier, I've laid off the muskies for a couple weeks. My last good outing was with my muskie buddy Jeremy from lakeland. We got out on the front end of a wicked impending storm and right off the bat J stuck a 46.75 on a cowgirl. Not too much later he put another nice fish, 44", in the boat as well. That made 22 for the year in the boat, not great numbers but only one for under 40" and nine over 44". I'll take it.
Friday, July 24, 2009
River Muskie!!!!!
Good day all!
Here's a quick photo update of the weeks fishing.
Wednesday I had Dan Clayton and his nephew Lance Meister out for a full day of muskie fishing. We got started at 2 and by 2:30 we had a fish in the net! Dan hooked up and landed a super fat 44" muskie on a bulldog, over 40 f.o.w. This has been my strategy of late (deep water suspended fish) and it's paying off in spades. We contacted a couple other fish over the course of the day but none made it to the boat for a picture. Thanks so much Dan and Lance for a great outing, looking forward to sharing the boat with you come Sturgeon Season!
Thursday I had Rick Demarchis and his buddy/workmate Rod in the boat for a half day. Last year on the same trip Rick landed 2, so expectations were high, but we struggled and never managed to see a fish. The mid morning time period, which traditionally has been very good, has been slow. Prime time seems to be the mid afternoon then a lull leading into prime time at dark. They were good sports and understood that sometimes with muskies they bite and sometimes they are just not interested.
What a difference a day makes.....Today I had the pleasure of sharing the boat with Dan Patrick. Dan is a super avid angler, without the means of a boat. He does most of his fishing with a fly rod, from shore on local lakes, and does quite well at that. Today we were intent on catching him a muskie, make that two muskies! We got out at the crack o' dawn, raised a nice fish right off the bat, then the rains came. It poured buckets and hailed plenty as well, but we hunkered down in Afton State Park till it subsided, then the fun began. Our first stop after the thunder was a piece of structure I've been seeing alot of fish on and it didn't let us down. Dan hooked up on a scrappy 42" about 10am or so on a topraider at boatside. Not wanting to see this fish get off, I did the quick scoop and got him in the net in 10 seconds flat! After a couple pictures and high fives, we slid her back and said our thanks to the muskie gods. I said the pressure's off, lets go find another! We fished a couple other spots, made a trolling pass to take a lunch break and keeps baits wet and then headed off to another hot spot. About 2:30 or so his bulldog got inhaled by a fish, a BIG FISH, size LARGE! I knew right away he was into something special and sure as can be, this monster came barreling out of the water, did some crazy maneuvers but my net hands are too quick and she was ours! Both shaking, we got her untangled from the net/hooks etc and stared in awe. 49.5", lets call it 50 shall we? What a beast, great fighter for a big fish and oh so pretty! Another quick net scoop meant a safe and healthy fish on release, we admired her as she swam off, high fived once again and decided that's a good way to end an amazing day. Dan, you're a stud dude! That's big fish of the year and makes 20 river muskies in the boat for the season. Things are really starting to get hot and I aim to stay on this bite right up till the PMTT tourney rolls through in september. Wanna get a muskie, now's the time my friends.
Enough for now, I need a nap. Enjoy the images.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
St. Croix mixed bag reports
Morning all....
The picture up above is Chris Boland with a pretty typical river pike we got Wednesday, trolling around the Kinni narrows. Chris and I bartered some kick ass graphics for my truck, for a full day with he and his bro' Jarrett. Both Chris and Jarrett were anglers of the mixed bag variety, perhaps more focused on the big nasties like sturgeon and cats. Muskies are as big and nasty as it gets and they were looking to add some skills in this realm, so I fished them hard, all day, in the wind and with a variety of conditions and techniques. The first half of the day yielded the pike and one good rip on the troll, but no muskies. We started looking forward to the prime time twilight hour and got ourselves in a spot I thought it could happen. Straight away we had a nice fish follow a topraider, take a couple swipes and vanish. Moments later Jarrett had a long range blowup, again, no hooks. We worked the area till we could see no more and called it a day. Thanks again guys, looking forward to sharing a boat for Cat's some night.
Thursday morning I worked with "the Turk", Charlie Geirke. Turk's a long time Croix guide and a damn fine angler. I help him out from time to time with group trips and it's always a pleasure. We had a group of fellas from the city, business/pleasure outing for a guy and his clients. These are great trips and involve fishing for anything that bites and better yet provides solid bragging rights. My boat was the muskie rig as usual, with 3 guys in the boat we were pretty much limited to trolling, but could have our 5 lines rolling so I was optimistic. We we trolled and trolled and trolled....boop diddly. After a bit I decided to pull the plug for an hour and follow the other rigs looking for smallies and walleyes. We were making ton's and catching little. Then the wind decided to dictate the rest of the day. Post lunch fishing was brutal. It was blowing 30 from the NW and getting around the big lake was tough and wet. We had a great time and my clients were patient but it was not a guides day to say the least. Looking forward to calmer days....
I'm off to work for a bit, then loading up the kayaks and heading over to El Paso for some fly angling and kayak scouting. more to come.
go fish!
MN & WI Fishing Guide
The picture up above is Chris Boland with a pretty typical river pike we got Wednesday, trolling around the Kinni narrows. Chris and I bartered some kick ass graphics for my truck, for a full day with he and his bro' Jarrett. Both Chris and Jarrett were anglers of the mixed bag variety, perhaps more focused on the big nasties like sturgeon and cats. Muskies are as big and nasty as it gets and they were looking to add some skills in this realm, so I fished them hard, all day, in the wind and with a variety of conditions and techniques. The first half of the day yielded the pike and one good rip on the troll, but no muskies. We started looking forward to the prime time twilight hour and got ourselves in a spot I thought it could happen. Straight away we had a nice fish follow a topraider, take a couple swipes and vanish. Moments later Jarrett had a long range blowup, again, no hooks. We worked the area till we could see no more and called it a day. Thanks again guys, looking forward to sharing a boat for Cat's some night.
Thursday morning I worked with "the Turk", Charlie Geirke. Turk's a long time Croix guide and a damn fine angler. I help him out from time to time with group trips and it's always a pleasure. We had a group of fellas from the city, business/pleasure outing for a guy and his clients. These are great trips and involve fishing for anything that bites and better yet provides solid bragging rights. My boat was the muskie rig as usual, with 3 guys in the boat we were pretty much limited to trolling, but could have our 5 lines rolling so I was optimistic. We we trolled and trolled and trolled....boop diddly. After a bit I decided to pull the plug for an hour and follow the other rigs looking for smallies and walleyes. We were making ton's and catching little. Then the wind decided to dictate the rest of the day. Post lunch fishing was brutal. It was blowing 30 from the NW and getting around the big lake was tough and wet. We had a great time and my clients were patient but it was not a guides day to say the least. Looking forward to calmer days....
I'm off to work for a bit, then loading up the kayaks and heading over to El Paso for some fly angling and kayak scouting. more to come.
go fish!
MN & WI Fishing Guide
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Mid july Angling & guiding news
As I may have mentioned, Jennifer is gone till the 1st of August. Suffice it to say I have been fishing at a frenetic pace, here's what's been happening.
I should be posting daily I know, but between trying to hold down the fort, do my chores and keep a line wet I'm usually pretty crushed at days end. So we'll wrap up the last 5 days and lead out the next week or so, there's some cool shit on the horizon.
Last Friday was a muskie day! A day where another rod in the boat could have made it something really special. I wrote recently how I'm not a huge fan of "camping out" on a spot, but I broke a rule Friday evening and did just that. I got on the water about 5 and started on Beanies point, just south of the bridge. it's a spot I don't often see fish, but I know they are there so I regularly make a pass. Status Quo, no one home. Next stop was another insignificant spot on the MN shore, same sort of place with similar results. Things however were feeling very fishy, there was some weather moving in from the west causing regular changes in wind direction and speed, always a good thing. I made a move for Afton, there's no secret that the bar is lousy with fish and if a guy wants to get one it's worth some time to cover every inch, twice. That's just what I did. Straight away I contacted a nice fish, a long follow that terminated in an angry swirl at boat side. OK, their here and ready to play, despite the boat traffic and pontoon boat full of onlookers parked right on the captains chair. I put the viper to work, purposely fishing the opposite direction of what most anglers fish, as inside out as possible. Over the next hour or so I had another 4-5 follows and blowups, one really nice fish in particular. After an hour of this, BAM, FISH ON! & a nice one at that! She ate the viper about 40' out, maybe 25' from the pontoon of onlookers, and put on a great show for the other boaters. Several long runs and 3 jumps later I rolled her into the big net to whoops and hollers from the gawkers, pretty nice feeling and I was amped to get her picture and get after another one. She measured up about 47, although the pic has the tail cut off thanks to self photography. That makes 11 for me and 15 for the boat this year. Of my 11, only 1 was shorter than 40, with 2 over 46 so the average is good. The rest of the evening was pretty action packed but I never got hooks into another and wrapped up about 10:30 or so.
the following morning found me on the same spot, 4:45 am. Right off the bat I raised a couple, but they were lazy follows and far more negative than the previous evening. feeling good about another spot, I headed downriver to fish some points. Just north of Afton State park I raised what might be the biggest fish I've seen in years, well over 50" and stout. She tried to eat the viper at boat side and slapped the boat with her tail in the process, soaking me as well. It was pretty cool but she's gonna get caught, in due time. Nothing landed for the morning shift, but it had it's moments.
Sunday night Whahoo and I did the evening shift on the willow. We were in search of Hex, but they have been a total bust this season. No fish rising, no fish landed. I'll be giving it a rest for a bit.
Monday night found Fred and I back on the Rush in El Paso. He was feeling the need to camp out so that's what we did. We found some brookies on the dry flies and fished streamers after dark till about 11. No grabs on the big flies, but in our defence, it was DARK and really tough without having scoped out our beat in good light. It was nice to sit around the bonfire with a couple beers, need to do more of that.
Believe it or not, I pretty much took yesterday off, save for a couple casts in the morning on the Rush. I've got some work going at Fred's house to help him make it ready for sale. nice work between guide trips.
Today I'm back after the Muskies with my graphics guy Chris Boland and his buddy Jared. They are both St. Croix regulars, but just learning the muskie thing. We are going to have to fish hard today to get some action as we had a nice cold front come through last night. Tomorrow I'll be out with one of Turk's groups, fishing walleyes and smallies.
I'll follow up with a report and pics.
I should be posting daily I know, but between trying to hold down the fort, do my chores and keep a line wet I'm usually pretty crushed at days end. So we'll wrap up the last 5 days and lead out the next week or so, there's some cool shit on the horizon.
Last Friday was a muskie day! A day where another rod in the boat could have made it something really special. I wrote recently how I'm not a huge fan of "camping out" on a spot, but I broke a rule Friday evening and did just that. I got on the water about 5 and started on Beanies point, just south of the bridge. it's a spot I don't often see fish, but I know they are there so I regularly make a pass. Status Quo, no one home. Next stop was another insignificant spot on the MN shore, same sort of place with similar results. Things however were feeling very fishy, there was some weather moving in from the west causing regular changes in wind direction and speed, always a good thing. I made a move for Afton, there's no secret that the bar is lousy with fish and if a guy wants to get one it's worth some time to cover every inch, twice. That's just what I did. Straight away I contacted a nice fish, a long follow that terminated in an angry swirl at boat side. OK, their here and ready to play, despite the boat traffic and pontoon boat full of onlookers parked right on the captains chair. I put the viper to work, purposely fishing the opposite direction of what most anglers fish, as inside out as possible. Over the next hour or so I had another 4-5 follows and blowups, one really nice fish in particular. After an hour of this, BAM, FISH ON! & a nice one at that! She ate the viper about 40' out, maybe 25' from the pontoon of onlookers, and put on a great show for the other boaters. Several long runs and 3 jumps later I rolled her into the big net to whoops and hollers from the gawkers, pretty nice feeling and I was amped to get her picture and get after another one. She measured up about 47, although the pic has the tail cut off thanks to self photography. That makes 11 for me and 15 for the boat this year. Of my 11, only 1 was shorter than 40, with 2 over 46 so the average is good. The rest of the evening was pretty action packed but I never got hooks into another and wrapped up about 10:30 or so.
the following morning found me on the same spot, 4:45 am. Right off the bat I raised a couple, but they were lazy follows and far more negative than the previous evening. feeling good about another spot, I headed downriver to fish some points. Just north of Afton State park I raised what might be the biggest fish I've seen in years, well over 50" and stout. She tried to eat the viper at boat side and slapped the boat with her tail in the process, soaking me as well. It was pretty cool but she's gonna get caught, in due time. Nothing landed for the morning shift, but it had it's moments.
Sunday night Whahoo and I did the evening shift on the willow. We were in search of Hex, but they have been a total bust this season. No fish rising, no fish landed. I'll be giving it a rest for a bit.
Monday night found Fred and I back on the Rush in El Paso. He was feeling the need to camp out so that's what we did. We found some brookies on the dry flies and fished streamers after dark till about 11. No grabs on the big flies, but in our defence, it was DARK and really tough without having scoped out our beat in good light. It was nice to sit around the bonfire with a couple beers, need to do more of that.
Believe it or not, I pretty much took yesterday off, save for a couple casts in the morning on the Rush. I've got some work going at Fred's house to help him make it ready for sale. nice work between guide trips.
Today I'm back after the Muskies with my graphics guy Chris Boland and his buddy Jared. They are both St. Croix regulars, but just learning the muskie thing. We are going to have to fish hard today to get some action as we had a nice cold front come through last night. Tomorrow I'll be out with one of Turk's groups, fishing walleyes and smallies.
I'll follow up with a report and pics.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
current reports
Howdy All!
Here's a quick and dirty recap of the last few days of action. The fishing has been all over the board, it's July so i guess it's to be expected.
The image above...KK with his first muskie of the season. We hooked up Sunday night about 7 or so, looking to get out and take advantage of the near full moon and end to the holiday festivities on the river. KK and I are partners in the PMTT muskie tourney this fall, so a little recon was necessary as well as early strategizing. Right out of the gate, first cast on first spot he hooked up on a sledge, but the muskie shoot him off. OK, good start to the evening. I'm guessing about 20 minutes later, he hooked up again near boat side, with a spunky 42" river muskie. This one stayed glued and we invited her in the boat for picture day. It was a good start to a near perfect night, despite the fact it was thee lone fish of the evening. Kraig's off to visit a buddy in AK this week, doing a little fishing and rafting, sounds like a good time.
Monday night I was off to the local stream to see about some late night fishing, and mostly have some piece and quiet. i got that all right, the fishing didn't happen and the bugs were a big no-show.
Tuesday proved to be another late night affair, this time with fellow guide and master angler Eddie Philpot. Jennifer asked me if he was "fast Eddie" and I informed her there's nothing fast about him....We ventured off to an east metro lake for some evening bass fishing with jitterbugs. I know I've bagged on bass before, but this is special, as Eddy would say. Something about a calm quiet night and top water is a draw. i could probably do pretty well on the fly rod, but I'm digging the old school casting setup and jitterbug. We fished from 10 till about 1:30 or so, landed 30 or more and a couple nice ones, including a solid 4.5-5lb'er that yours truly landed. good, good stuff. Thanks Eddy!
Last night was back to the stream, the Rush this time. We had notions of hanging out down around hwy 10 till late, looking for any hex that might straggle up the river from Lake Pepin. However, the lower river looked tough, at least from my perspective. I know it fishes well at times, but not last night. So we boogied up to El Paso and hung out up from the bridge. there were a hand full of trout working and Fred and I each got one, but it was slow. The late afternoon hatches seem to be a thing of June, and past us by. Trico's are just around the corner so there's hope for the dry fly crowd.
Whew.....You can tell Jennifer is gone eh. I'm still doing my best to keep up around the house and work when it's there, but I'll be on a continued angling tear over the next few weeks. stay tuned.
Here's a quick and dirty recap of the last few days of action. The fishing has been all over the board, it's July so i guess it's to be expected.
The image above...KK with his first muskie of the season. We hooked up Sunday night about 7 or so, looking to get out and take advantage of the near full moon and end to the holiday festivities on the river. KK and I are partners in the PMTT muskie tourney this fall, so a little recon was necessary as well as early strategizing. Right out of the gate, first cast on first spot he hooked up on a sledge, but the muskie shoot him off. OK, good start to the evening. I'm guessing about 20 minutes later, he hooked up again near boat side, with a spunky 42" river muskie. This one stayed glued and we invited her in the boat for picture day. It was a good start to a near perfect night, despite the fact it was thee lone fish of the evening. Kraig's off to visit a buddy in AK this week, doing a little fishing and rafting, sounds like a good time.
Monday night I was off to the local stream to see about some late night fishing, and mostly have some piece and quiet. i got that all right, the fishing didn't happen and the bugs were a big no-show.
Tuesday proved to be another late night affair, this time with fellow guide and master angler Eddie Philpot. Jennifer asked me if he was "fast Eddie" and I informed her there's nothing fast about him....We ventured off to an east metro lake for some evening bass fishing with jitterbugs. I know I've bagged on bass before, but this is special, as Eddy would say. Something about a calm quiet night and top water is a draw. i could probably do pretty well on the fly rod, but I'm digging the old school casting setup and jitterbug. We fished from 10 till about 1:30 or so, landed 30 or more and a couple nice ones, including a solid 4.5-5lb'er that yours truly landed. good, good stuff. Thanks Eddy!
Last night was back to the stream, the Rush this time. We had notions of hanging out down around hwy 10 till late, looking for any hex that might straggle up the river from Lake Pepin. However, the lower river looked tough, at least from my perspective. I know it fishes well at times, but not last night. So we boogied up to El Paso and hung out up from the bridge. there were a hand full of trout working and Fred and I each got one, but it was slow. The late afternoon hatches seem to be a thing of June, and past us by. Trico's are just around the corner so there's hope for the dry fly crowd.
Whew.....You can tell Jennifer is gone eh. I'm still doing my best to keep up around the house and work when it's there, but I'll be on a continued angling tear over the next few weeks. stay tuned.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
sometimes I wonder
Why is it that I am not just satisfied with chasing one fish or using one technique? Sometimes I think perhaps I'll give it a whirl, sell the big boat, get a drifter and dedicate myself to the fly. Or maybe, ditch the fly gear, become a dedicated psycho muskie angler and leave the buggy whips to the Amish...Hell no, here's why not! Variety!! I know full well the time and dedication it takes to fish at a high level, for one species and be consistent. So why not be a kick ass all around angler, proficient on multiple levels, for a variety of species? I like to compare it to my mountain bike riding days, I always wanted to be at least fast enough, particularly on the downhills to keep up where ever I may find myself riding, and I got to ride all over the country. Call it hanging with the locals or what have you, but I found it changes your experience if you have the ability. Angling is the same way for me. Should I find myself in Colorado or Kentucky, I want to at least be able to fish, enjoy the experience and feel like I'm in the game. That's why I do what I do. This week alone I fished 4 different bodies of water, flies, spinning and muskie tackle, caught all kinds of fish and never did the same thing twice.
Most recently, I went up to Bald Eagle last night to shake things up a little and quite frankly, get the stink back on. the River has been tough the last week or two, for me at least. I like to run up there when I need to put some fish in the boat and hone my lake skills for when I get an opportunity on another lake. From 4 till about 9 I pretty much camped out on a spot that I know is crawling with them. Aside from a troll around the island, I hunkered down and waited them out. Sure enough, I raised, missed or saw about a dozen fish. I landed 2 between 6 and 9, a low 40's and upper 30's. They were really liking the tip of the bar, but the bigger fish came in heavy cover near shore. I think I'm going to try to pull off a 3 legals in 3 lakes day here this week or next. Come up with a combo of 3 lakes (WB, BE and forest come to mind) and get as many as I can in a 24 hour period. sounds like it could make for some good footage as well.
Back to the hunkering down program last night. This is NOT something I would usually do, if ever on the river. That's one of the glaring differences between lakes and the river, if they are not on the spot, don't bother staying because they are off roaming, likely in the deep. I'll camp at Afton from time to time, but for the most part it's a run and gun situation. hunkering down sure paid off last night though. next time I'll hunker down with the fly rod and see what I can get moving.
It's the 4th of July. not planning on too much, maybe I'll sneak down the the old miss and try to catch a big cat.
be safe out there.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Weekend Fishing Report from Big Pike Mike
Since our last episode.....
Rumors of big river muskies, walleye report and a smallie outing on the apple.
First off, a big thanks to my clients from last week. I hosted a group of Vet's and vet tech's put on by Phizer Chemicals. This is the 3rd year I've been involved and they are a great group, always have a good old time. Thanks Lori and thanks to the other guides who helped me out.
I didn't get in a whole lot of angling after Tuesday last week. Jennifer took off yesterday for 5 weeks, so we spent the week getting her ready and hanging out. She's off to school to be a Waldorf Teacher, you'll have to google if you want more intel. Despite the fact I didn't fish much, there were some fish caught I am told...
Rumor has it Fritzy landed a 46" muskie on the river, confirmed by Dave Hale, who happened to be right near him fishing walleyes. nice work Fritz, but I still got ya beat by an inch...I'm sure someone will stick a giant this summer, hope it's me, about sept 12th...
Whahoo and I pulled another epic outing yesterday on the apple. We sort of retraced the steps Brad and I laid last week, but fished a little more and explored quite a bit. The area around Little Falls, near Amery is really cool water. Lots of falls, pocket water and elevation. We didn't have any luck there, but really didn't explore beyond the trail heads or obvious fishing water. Looks like it gets pounded though. It's stocked trout water, and we saw them alright, but the water had to be in the upper 70's and the odds were not good. It'll bear some more exploring and even a kayak shot, I'm sure there are some far off stretches with big smallies and muskies.
Oh ya, big news of the morning was the bear we saw up north of Star Prairie. It was a momma and cub, loping across an open field. Pretty cool stuff, closer & closer to the metro.
Back to the fishing. After busting out of bathwater creek, we headed up to the dam at Black Brook to take a few muskie casts, nothing to be had. Next Stop, the restricted water above the Rivers Edge in Somerset, below the dam at RiverDale. We used to fish this as younger fellas and get walleyes and muskies from shore, but since 9-11, no more access to the shore spot can be found. So we snuck in, sort of. There's an obvious pull out on "C" above the tubers, we slid in for a closer look. Whahoo landed one smallie but that was it. It was pretty warm and not a ton of water to wrok with. Enough of that, off to the Flowage below the tubers. We got on the water about 9 and by noon had landed 30 or so, biggest about 18", but all scrappy. Whahoo tied this kick ass new streamer and they nearly destroyed it! We were right up by the tubing water and happened to have a nice chat with a friendly security guy, who also was an avid angler and traded some valuable intel, including the ability to take a boat out at the park, YEA! So the logistics are all figured out on that, next up is a full float of the tubing water!
This week I'll be guiding a bit, today in fact on the Rush for an afternoon half day. The weather is great so I'm looking forward to a good outing. I'll bet there will be a late night visit to the willow as well. I'll tell ya how it goes.
Rumors of big river muskies, walleye report and a smallie outing on the apple.
First off, a big thanks to my clients from last week. I hosted a group of Vet's and vet tech's put on by Phizer Chemicals. This is the 3rd year I've been involved and they are a great group, always have a good old time. Thanks Lori and thanks to the other guides who helped me out.
I didn't get in a whole lot of angling after Tuesday last week. Jennifer took off yesterday for 5 weeks, so we spent the week getting her ready and hanging out. She's off to school to be a Waldorf Teacher, you'll have to google if you want more intel. Despite the fact I didn't fish much, there were some fish caught I am told...
Rumor has it Fritzy landed a 46" muskie on the river, confirmed by Dave Hale, who happened to be right near him fishing walleyes. nice work Fritz, but I still got ya beat by an inch...I'm sure someone will stick a giant this summer, hope it's me, about sept 12th...
Whahoo and I pulled another epic outing yesterday on the apple. We sort of retraced the steps Brad and I laid last week, but fished a little more and explored quite a bit. The area around Little Falls, near Amery is really cool water. Lots of falls, pocket water and elevation. We didn't have any luck there, but really didn't explore beyond the trail heads or obvious fishing water. Looks like it gets pounded though. It's stocked trout water, and we saw them alright, but the water had to be in the upper 70's and the odds were not good. It'll bear some more exploring and even a kayak shot, I'm sure there are some far off stretches with big smallies and muskies.
Oh ya, big news of the morning was the bear we saw up north of Star Prairie. It was a momma and cub, loping across an open field. Pretty cool stuff, closer & closer to the metro.
Back to the fishing. After busting out of bathwater creek, we headed up to the dam at Black Brook to take a few muskie casts, nothing to be had. Next Stop, the restricted water above the Rivers Edge in Somerset, below the dam at RiverDale. We used to fish this as younger fellas and get walleyes and muskies from shore, but since 9-11, no more access to the shore spot can be found. So we snuck in, sort of. There's an obvious pull out on "C" above the tubers, we slid in for a closer look. Whahoo landed one smallie but that was it. It was pretty warm and not a ton of water to wrok with. Enough of that, off to the Flowage below the tubers. We got on the water about 9 and by noon had landed 30 or so, biggest about 18", but all scrappy. Whahoo tied this kick ass new streamer and they nearly destroyed it! We were right up by the tubing water and happened to have a nice chat with a friendly security guy, who also was an avid angler and traded some valuable intel, including the ability to take a boat out at the park, YEA! So the logistics are all figured out on that, next up is a full float of the tubing water!
This week I'll be guiding a bit, today in fact on the Rush for an afternoon half day. The weather is great so I'm looking forward to a good outing. I'll bet there will be a late night visit to the willow as well. I'll tell ya how it goes.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Who is that guy?
Someone tell the fella with the long hair and beard it's summer! Oh ya, that's me! Realizing the error of my ways, I did in fact clean up for summer and man did it feel good!
This last week was "Francis Week". I had my old friend and client Francis O'Neill here from VA. We fished wed-friday on the local streams, mainly the Rush and Kinni, but we did make a special trip to "Brookie Heaven", aka, Cady Creek. This was a special day for a couple of reasons. The Stream is not only loaded with Brookies, enthusiastic and lovely despite their stature, but it's also reminiscent of an english chalk stream of which Francis was familiar and very fond of. The banks were quite overgrown, providing much needed shade and cover for the little fella's. While this certainly made casting a bit more of a challenge, we were able to find some nice lanes for rolling hoppers, beetles and crickets over their heads and were rewarded for our efforts. I lost track after a while, but there were 20-25 that came to hand, all just stunning, and each seeminginly more beautiful than the last one. I really dont spend enough time on Cady, it's about 20 minutes past the Rush in Elmwood (UFO capital of WI), but worth the effort no doubt.
The Rush fished OK, there was a smattering of bugs from mid-morning to late afternoon, but we never hung till dark and waited for the Caddis to come out in full force. PMD's and emergers were working, as well as small slate caddis. Francis likes to switch things up on a regular basis, and that suits me just fine as I do to. What Francis lacks in mobility, he more than makes up for with casting prowess, he's got a serious cast and perfect presentation thanks to the sweetest light line cane rods I've seen or fished, what a joy to hold. I'm always sad to see him go, we've developed a terrific friendship over the last few years that I'm sure will last for many to come.
The rest of the weekend was light on angling, spent a bunch of time with my gal instead. Jennifer is off to Cali for 5 weeks, at school. Cool thing is she's living with Brad's folks in Sacramento, just a mile or two from her campus.
Speaking of B-rad, he made an appearance late monday afternoon, after dropping off a week long client from NYC at the airport. We moseyed over to the Willow for a late night attempt only to be denied. But considering it was 93, wet wading was the BEST place to be on earth that evening. Tuesday morning we got up at the crack of 8, and planned out another day of old school scouting and dead reckoning about western WI, warm water this time.
First up, The Apple River below the tubing crazed town of Somerset. We have a sweet little "in" on a chunk of basically private water, loaded with muskies and smallies, with the occasional walleye in the mix. A little boat ride, little wet wading and LOTS of smallies, up to 18" or so. All on big frog patterns normally tossed at Muskies, read BIG FLIES. Heavy current, big flies =10wt rods. The smallies were up to the task and bent the 10's like crazy! Looking for a change of venue, we packed up after 1pm or so and headed for Amery area, 30 miles upriver or so. After stopping to check out a couple bridges and available drift boat access, we headed up to the dam at Black Brook. There were a couple locals angling below the dam, and the vibe was weak so we dropped in up top and floated for a couple hours. No follows or fish, but amazing fly water so it's been added to the short list. Having run it's course, we stopped in Amery for gas and Beer and headed back to Somerset area, to have a look at the old landing on the croix, near the mouth of the apple. What an amazing place! Thousands and thousands of acres of water, woods, braids, bogs and who knows what other primordial creatures and features. However, no access for the boat but I'll be doing some scouting on the kayak that's for sure!
As if that was not enough! We decided to meet up with Eddy Philpot for some late night bassin' on Demontraville lake. We hit the water at 9:30 or so and had steady jitterbug action till we quit at 1:30. No real hogs, but some in the 4lb class.
All told, almost 20 hours on the job yesterday with some real excellent scouting accomplished. Look out tubers on the apple, I'm coming with big flies and bad intentions!
real good then!
This last week was "Francis Week". I had my old friend and client Francis O'Neill here from VA. We fished wed-friday on the local streams, mainly the Rush and Kinni, but we did make a special trip to "Brookie Heaven", aka, Cady Creek. This was a special day for a couple of reasons. The Stream is not only loaded with Brookies, enthusiastic and lovely despite their stature, but it's also reminiscent of an english chalk stream of which Francis was familiar and very fond of. The banks were quite overgrown, providing much needed shade and cover for the little fella's. While this certainly made casting a bit more of a challenge, we were able to find some nice lanes for rolling hoppers, beetles and crickets over their heads and were rewarded for our efforts. I lost track after a while, but there were 20-25 that came to hand, all just stunning, and each seeminginly more beautiful than the last one. I really dont spend enough time on Cady, it's about 20 minutes past the Rush in Elmwood (UFO capital of WI), but worth the effort no doubt.
The Rush fished OK, there was a smattering of bugs from mid-morning to late afternoon, but we never hung till dark and waited for the Caddis to come out in full force. PMD's and emergers were working, as well as small slate caddis. Francis likes to switch things up on a regular basis, and that suits me just fine as I do to. What Francis lacks in mobility, he more than makes up for with casting prowess, he's got a serious cast and perfect presentation thanks to the sweetest light line cane rods I've seen or fished, what a joy to hold. I'm always sad to see him go, we've developed a terrific friendship over the last few years that I'm sure will last for many to come.
The rest of the weekend was light on angling, spent a bunch of time with my gal instead. Jennifer is off to Cali for 5 weeks, at school. Cool thing is she's living with Brad's folks in Sacramento, just a mile or two from her campus.
Speaking of B-rad, he made an appearance late monday afternoon, after dropping off a week long client from NYC at the airport. We moseyed over to the Willow for a late night attempt only to be denied. But considering it was 93, wet wading was the BEST place to be on earth that evening. Tuesday morning we got up at the crack of 8, and planned out another day of old school scouting and dead reckoning about western WI, warm water this time.
First up, The Apple River below the tubing crazed town of Somerset. We have a sweet little "in" on a chunk of basically private water, loaded with muskies and smallies, with the occasional walleye in the mix. A little boat ride, little wet wading and LOTS of smallies, up to 18" or so. All on big frog patterns normally tossed at Muskies, read BIG FLIES. Heavy current, big flies =10wt rods. The smallies were up to the task and bent the 10's like crazy! Looking for a change of venue, we packed up after 1pm or so and headed for Amery area, 30 miles upriver or so. After stopping to check out a couple bridges and available drift boat access, we headed up to the dam at Black Brook. There were a couple locals angling below the dam, and the vibe was weak so we dropped in up top and floated for a couple hours. No follows or fish, but amazing fly water so it's been added to the short list. Having run it's course, we stopped in Amery for gas and Beer and headed back to Somerset area, to have a look at the old landing on the croix, near the mouth of the apple. What an amazing place! Thousands and thousands of acres of water, woods, braids, bogs and who knows what other primordial creatures and features. However, no access for the boat but I'll be doing some scouting on the kayak that's for sure!
As if that was not enough! We decided to meet up with Eddy Philpot for some late night bassin' on Demontraville lake. We hit the water at 9:30 or so and had steady jitterbug action till we quit at 1:30. No real hogs, but some in the 4lb class.
All told, almost 20 hours on the job yesterday with some real excellent scouting accomplished. Look out tubers on the apple, I'm coming with big flies and bad intentions!
real good then!
Monday, June 15, 2009
muskies, trout and guiding reports
A little about the weeks trips to get started.
Thursday I had the pleasure of hosting Joe Hackbarth, his son Tom and the senior member of the crew, Joe's father in-law Dan. We had a half day to try to figure out a program of muskies, maybe a walleye or bass and whatever we can find to tug. It was a glorious day out, light boat traffic and a nice reminder how great the Croix is on weekdays. Did I mention the glorious weather? The fishing was kinda slow, I know there were some walleyes to be had on a shoreline bite, but we conceded to try to catch another muskie for Tom. I love the mixed bag approach but it's a little challenging with only 1/2 day to work with. We did our best, had one good tug on a planer board & tail but that was it. I have a hard time pulling the plug on days like today, super great clients and nice weather make for enjoyable days, despite the slow angling.
Friday found me on the water again, this time with Jeff and Zach, couple more fellas in search of an enjoyable afternoon and couple of tugs. Jeff and Zach are business partners, Zach being in Chi-Town and Jeff here in Mpls. The goal of day is always fish, but we were on the post hangover 11-5 trip, so a couple more curve balls for finding muskies. Again, another perfect day and the cloud cover helped keep things a little cooler and even though I was wrong, I thought it would bring a good muskie. A couple minutes of practice with the gear and they were casting away. Jeff Raised a nice fish about 2pm or so but after not seeing much, we dragged a bit for eyes. The walleyes appear to either be in the summer holds or on the way. We marked alot of fish and got a couple off the break on the humps, maybe 25', the tops of the humps being 19' or so. I've seen fellas having action out there, either pulling cranks or dragging meat. We fished until 5 or so and pulled off some last minute heroics with a very nice 35" pike on the final trolling pass.
As always, I am humbled my the chance to show other folks the river and a good day of fishing, THANK YOU!!!!
Lets talk muskies for a while. The river muskies are starting to tick me off! I'm stuck at 3 for the season, 43 being the big fish so far. While we have been seeing fish, the hours have been adding up and I'm thinking more and more about a serious change in tactics. I've been reading up on open water muskies, and the St.Croix has plenty of open water, so that's going to be my focus, numbers be damned. I think that who ever is able to unlock the key of the open water bite is going to hold a special card in their deck. From all the data and articles I've been reading it seems that's where they are at most of the time, and with the increased pressure the river is seeing on the shallow weedy "community spots", this is becoming more and more evident. I don't believe for a second this is going to mean large numbers of fish, but I do think that it'll mean bigger fish, more frequently. So I'll take one for the team and keep on plugging away at this idea. more to come for sure.
Saturday was the metro muskie tourney, Googh and I had intentions of fishing, but the logistics of getting back to the weigh-in at the Maple Grove Gander Mtn were too much to bite off, so we fished it as spoilers for the rest of the muskie anglers out there. Right out of the gate we raised 2 fish, then proceeded to get spanked for the next 6 hours, nothing! About noon we wrapped it up and headed in. We picked up our respective families and made it picnic day instead. I was glad to get Jennifer in the boat, she does not spend enough time with me in that element and I like having her in the water with me, maybe she'll be better luck next time! I guess a 53" from Waconia won the event, I've been meaning to fish there but have yet to make it.
This week should be a hoot. Tomorrow I may do some exploring of the Apple River with Brad as he'll be down to pick up some clients on Wednesday. I've got Francis flying in tomorrow evening for 3-4 days of fishing. I intend to fish something different every outing, perhaps add Cady Creek to the mix for some brookie action. I'm hoping the weather cooperates with a little rain and cloud cover as well. I'll update midweek as I have a better idea where we'll be.
good luck, keep 'em wet.
Thursday I had the pleasure of hosting Joe Hackbarth, his son Tom and the senior member of the crew, Joe's father in-law Dan. We had a half day to try to figure out a program of muskies, maybe a walleye or bass and whatever we can find to tug. It was a glorious day out, light boat traffic and a nice reminder how great the Croix is on weekdays. Did I mention the glorious weather? The fishing was kinda slow, I know there were some walleyes to be had on a shoreline bite, but we conceded to try to catch another muskie for Tom. I love the mixed bag approach but it's a little challenging with only 1/2 day to work with. We did our best, had one good tug on a planer board & tail but that was it. I have a hard time pulling the plug on days like today, super great clients and nice weather make for enjoyable days, despite the slow angling.
Friday found me on the water again, this time with Jeff and Zach, couple more fellas in search of an enjoyable afternoon and couple of tugs. Jeff and Zach are business partners, Zach being in Chi-Town and Jeff here in Mpls. The goal of day is always fish, but we were on the post hangover 11-5 trip, so a couple more curve balls for finding muskies. Again, another perfect day and the cloud cover helped keep things a little cooler and even though I was wrong, I thought it would bring a good muskie. A couple minutes of practice with the gear and they were casting away. Jeff Raised a nice fish about 2pm or so but after not seeing much, we dragged a bit for eyes. The walleyes appear to either be in the summer holds or on the way. We marked alot of fish and got a couple off the break on the humps, maybe 25', the tops of the humps being 19' or so. I've seen fellas having action out there, either pulling cranks or dragging meat. We fished until 5 or so and pulled off some last minute heroics with a very nice 35" pike on the final trolling pass.
As always, I am humbled my the chance to show other folks the river and a good day of fishing, THANK YOU!!!!
Lets talk muskies for a while. The river muskies are starting to tick me off! I'm stuck at 3 for the season, 43 being the big fish so far. While we have been seeing fish, the hours have been adding up and I'm thinking more and more about a serious change in tactics. I've been reading up on open water muskies, and the St.Croix has plenty of open water, so that's going to be my focus, numbers be damned. I think that who ever is able to unlock the key of the open water bite is going to hold a special card in their deck. From all the data and articles I've been reading it seems that's where they are at most of the time, and with the increased pressure the river is seeing on the shallow weedy "community spots", this is becoming more and more evident. I don't believe for a second this is going to mean large numbers of fish, but I do think that it'll mean bigger fish, more frequently. So I'll take one for the team and keep on plugging away at this idea. more to come for sure.
Saturday was the metro muskie tourney, Googh and I had intentions of fishing, but the logistics of getting back to the weigh-in at the Maple Grove Gander Mtn were too much to bite off, so we fished it as spoilers for the rest of the muskie anglers out there. Right out of the gate we raised 2 fish, then proceeded to get spanked for the next 6 hours, nothing! About noon we wrapped it up and headed in. We picked up our respective families and made it picnic day instead. I was glad to get Jennifer in the boat, she does not spend enough time with me in that element and I like having her in the water with me, maybe she'll be better luck next time! I guess a 53" from Waconia won the event, I've been meaning to fish there but have yet to make it.
This week should be a hoot. Tomorrow I may do some exploring of the Apple River with Brad as he'll be down to pick up some clients on Wednesday. I've got Francis flying in tomorrow evening for 3-4 days of fishing. I intend to fish something different every outing, perhaps add Cady Creek to the mix for some brookie action. I'm hoping the weather cooperates with a little rain and cloud cover as well. I'll update midweek as I have a better idea where we'll be.
good luck, keep 'em wet.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Weekend report
Ahhh, the rains finally came and none too soon. The local trout streams were looking pretty rough, but much improved after a couple days of nice rainfall. The effect this has on the fishing is dramatic to say the least, gets the bugs and fish all stirred up with the high water and then if your lucky enough to catch it on falling water levels your in for a treat!
That was the case yesterday with Mr Bob King from Chicago Ill. Bob was a client I met a couple years ago at the show in Chicago and he finally made it up here to sample the local opportunities. With the rain coming down steady on Monday, we set off for the Rush, knowing the river would be in better shape than the Kinni as the rush tends to drain faster and less violently that the other rivers in the area with Dams. The hunch paid off as the Rush looked and fished amazingly well! We fished between Martell and El Paso on one of my favorite stretches of Dry Fly Water. There was a complex hatch of hendricksons, olives, crane flies, midges and caddis and the strategy was to change often over the same fish and regularly show them something different. it paid off handsomely with Bob landing a dozen or more on the Dry Fly over the course of the mid afternoon. When the rains let up it really got going and we had a ball! Thanks Bob, and as always I am humbled to be your guide!
I've got a couple more gigs this week, thursday and friday on the St.Croix. Thursday Client is father son team of Joe and Tom Hackbarth of River Falls WI. Last year about the same time Tom had a stellar day with a mixed bag of smallies and a great 42" muskie to boot. We'll be chasing anything that swims and hopefully a repeat performance of last years outing!
I'll be fishing the metro muskie tourney this weekend, focusing on the Croix. We've been doing well enough lately to be confidant enough to at least make some contacts and if we're lucky, put a couple fish in the boat. This is leading up to the PMTT Pro Tourney I'll be fishing this fall on the river. Hopefully the local edge will help me out there and I can do well, but there's always a lot of great anglers participating.
More to come from the outings later this week!
That was the case yesterday with Mr Bob King from Chicago Ill. Bob was a client I met a couple years ago at the show in Chicago and he finally made it up here to sample the local opportunities. With the rain coming down steady on Monday, we set off for the Rush, knowing the river would be in better shape than the Kinni as the rush tends to drain faster and less violently that the other rivers in the area with Dams. The hunch paid off as the Rush looked and fished amazingly well! We fished between Martell and El Paso on one of my favorite stretches of Dry Fly Water. There was a complex hatch of hendricksons, olives, crane flies, midges and caddis and the strategy was to change often over the same fish and regularly show them something different. it paid off handsomely with Bob landing a dozen or more on the Dry Fly over the course of the mid afternoon. When the rains let up it really got going and we had a ball! Thanks Bob, and as always I am humbled to be your guide!
I've got a couple more gigs this week, thursday and friday on the St.Croix. Thursday Client is father son team of Joe and Tom Hackbarth of River Falls WI. Last year about the same time Tom had a stellar day with a mixed bag of smallies and a great 42" muskie to boot. We'll be chasing anything that swims and hopefully a repeat performance of last years outing!
I'll be fishing the metro muskie tourney this weekend, focusing on the Croix. We've been doing well enough lately to be confidant enough to at least make some contacts and if we're lucky, put a couple fish in the boat. This is leading up to the PMTT Pro Tourney I'll be fishing this fall on the river. Hopefully the local edge will help me out there and I can do well, but there's always a lot of great anglers participating.
More to come from the outings later this week!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
What you see....
First off some props to my clients from the week. Thanks go out to Duane and Tyson, visiting here from the bayou, Baton Rouge LA and Greg from Prior lake MN. As always I am humbled by the opportunity and look forward to fishing with you gents again soon!
Here's what you see when you keep your eyes open in the woods. The big moth is a Polyphemus Moth, a type of silk moth in the Giant moth family, clearly! This bugger was fresh to the world and not much of a flyer in the early morning chill. Polyphemus moth's are large, this guy was maybe 5" in diameter, but not as big as the Cecropia's which seem to happen a bit later in the summer. What a treat, and my clients enjoyed it as well, bonus nature experience.
There's been a lot of fishing happening lately, as usual I'm mixing it up as only I seem to like to do. I've been out on Cedar lake in uptown a few times over the last couple weeks. I've been trying to locate a rock pile a scuba diver told me about, that he says is loaded with nice walleyes. I think I did find it and sure enough, got a few eye's but they were puny and not what I was after. The bonus 33" Tiger Musky however more than made up for the itty bitty walleyes. Got him on a jig & leech off the weed edge. The fellas in the rig next to me landed a 3 footer, which promptly ended up in the bottom of the canoe, flopping for 5 minutes till they could get a grip on the situation...not pretty and a dead musky, of that I am sure. On the paddle back across the lake, i came upon a solid 45" fish, hanging out over 35' of water, I was able to track him for 30 feet and got a real good look at it, giant Tiger!
My St. Croix induced tan is also taking shape. After catching a small musky on opener, I'd been blanked in 4 outings at least, maybe 25 hours total. In that time I'd been seeing fish, but not until mid week did I have success again. Wednesday I was alone, fishing bayport pool primarily and contacted 3 fish, had 2 good attacks but no hooks. Thursday the Gooch and I hit it and I made one pay. The viper strikes once again and this 43" fatty drank the kool-aid. I had missed a fish that seemed was solidly hook just an hour earlier. Add a couple more follows and it was a decent night, saw 5 landed one.
We are finally getting some much needed rain, the local streams look pretty rough although the kinni still seems to be fishing pretty well. The willow looked as if I'd never seen it, that is the bottom of holes I once thought had none. This rain should stir things up, especially if it comes as predicted tomorrow. I'll be on the Rush this week sometime, a little combo fishing/dinner/wedding planning trip to Vino in the valley with Jen J. I'll let y'all know how she looks.
some images from the week.
Here's what you see when you keep your eyes open in the woods. The big moth is a Polyphemus Moth, a type of silk moth in the Giant moth family, clearly! This bugger was fresh to the world and not much of a flyer in the early morning chill. Polyphemus moth's are large, this guy was maybe 5" in diameter, but not as big as the Cecropia's which seem to happen a bit later in the summer. What a treat, and my clients enjoyed it as well, bonus nature experience.
There's been a lot of fishing happening lately, as usual I'm mixing it up as only I seem to like to do. I've been out on Cedar lake in uptown a few times over the last couple weeks. I've been trying to locate a rock pile a scuba diver told me about, that he says is loaded with nice walleyes. I think I did find it and sure enough, got a few eye's but they were puny and not what I was after. The bonus 33" Tiger Musky however more than made up for the itty bitty walleyes. Got him on a jig & leech off the weed edge. The fellas in the rig next to me landed a 3 footer, which promptly ended up in the bottom of the canoe, flopping for 5 minutes till they could get a grip on the situation...not pretty and a dead musky, of that I am sure. On the paddle back across the lake, i came upon a solid 45" fish, hanging out over 35' of water, I was able to track him for 30 feet and got a real good look at it, giant Tiger!
My St. Croix induced tan is also taking shape. After catching a small musky on opener, I'd been blanked in 4 outings at least, maybe 25 hours total. In that time I'd been seeing fish, but not until mid week did I have success again. Wednesday I was alone, fishing bayport pool primarily and contacted 3 fish, had 2 good attacks but no hooks. Thursday the Gooch and I hit it and I made one pay. The viper strikes once again and this 43" fatty drank the kool-aid. I had missed a fish that seemed was solidly hook just an hour earlier. Add a couple more follows and it was a decent night, saw 5 landed one.
We are finally getting some much needed rain, the local streams look pretty rough although the kinni still seems to be fishing pretty well. The willow looked as if I'd never seen it, that is the bottom of holes I once thought had none. This rain should stir things up, especially if it comes as predicted tomorrow. I'll be on the Rush this week sometime, a little combo fishing/dinner/wedding planning trip to Vino in the valley with Jen J. I'll let y'all know how she looks.
some images from the week.
Friday, May 29, 2009
As seen on TV!
It's been a busy couple weeks, muskie opened and the trout fishing has been slowly improving as well. More on that later this afternoon.
Most importantly, check out this clip from a show I did with KSTP Television on wednesday, on "Twin Cities Live". We shot some footage in River Falls at the Kinni Creek Lodge and highlighted fly fishing as a "get out of town" adventure. It went really well and makes me one step closer to my own show, maybe the "Big Pike Mike Angling Hour"? It was fun, hope you enjoy it!
Most importantly, check out this clip from a show I did with KSTP Television on wednesday, on "Twin Cities Live". We shot some footage in River Falls at the Kinni Creek Lodge and highlighted fly fishing as a "get out of town" adventure. It went really well and makes me one step closer to my own show, maybe the "Big Pike Mike Angling Hour"? It was fun, hope you enjoy it!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
in no particular order
Here's what's been happening on my side of the rod....in no particular order.
The picture there is Greg Powell of Austin TX with a bonus 40" Sturgeon we got yesterday fishing for eyes'. Interesting day to say the least, what's with the 97 degrees anyway? The Texans loved it, no humidity! Good lord. Aside from the Sturgeon, we managed a couple small Walleyes and missed our share too. Wahoo jumped in the boat from 5-8, we had a couple beers and caught a nice 20" eye for his fryer. release to the grease.
Overall the fishing has been off and I really can't put a finger on it. Clearly we need precipitation but beyond that the systems just seem less fishy. Trout fishing for example, has been really slow for myself and my regular comrades. I can think of one good morning I had a week or so ago where I landed 5, one nice one and had steady action. Most outings have been a bit of a struggle. However, we did completely change our program last time out and Wahoo got a nice 17" on golden rocks, nymphing as opposed to the venerable streamer. Seems the trout decided to act like trout and not pike as previous years. fair enough, we can adapt.
Speaking of adapting. The 14th Annual Hamroom Walleye tournament took place this last Saturday. Dude Hale walked away with the event, 28+ pounds and maybe 8 over second place team of Farr and Johnson. Ingy and I donned the "Gitmo Fish" orange jumpsuits and proceeded to spend all day battling the 30+ mph winds and finished seventh or so. We only weighed 4 and had a 22" but no consistent good bite. Dude was fishing within sight of us for most of the day, we knew something had to be up but I'm not one to crowd a fella, wasn't anyway. I am now.
Guiding has been a little slow too, which I completely understand but still don't like. Aside from the ability to make a living, the client interaction really is what it's all about. I dig people and always look forward to making a new Friend. It'll pick up soon and already is a little as I've been booking some trips over the last few days.
Musky opens this weekend, I'm deep in the pits of a bathroom remodel and am struggling with time, fishing vs. work. arrgghhh. I guess either is "dropping by the jobsite" but I like completing projects and the benefits of doing so. I usually fish with Googh, er Todd Hess, a musky wizard in his own right. Last opener I think we each got a 40ish incher as I recall. it was cold however and the current heat wave could really start things off with a bang, no high water either...guess I'll go for a couple hours anyway.
I'll be out over the next few days and get some more intel rolling, bye for now.
The picture there is Greg Powell of Austin TX with a bonus 40" Sturgeon we got yesterday fishing for eyes'. Interesting day to say the least, what's with the 97 degrees anyway? The Texans loved it, no humidity! Good lord. Aside from the Sturgeon, we managed a couple small Walleyes and missed our share too. Wahoo jumped in the boat from 5-8, we had a couple beers and caught a nice 20" eye for his fryer. release to the grease.
Overall the fishing has been off and I really can't put a finger on it. Clearly we need precipitation but beyond that the systems just seem less fishy. Trout fishing for example, has been really slow for myself and my regular comrades. I can think of one good morning I had a week or so ago where I landed 5, one nice one and had steady action. Most outings have been a bit of a struggle. However, we did completely change our program last time out and Wahoo got a nice 17" on golden rocks, nymphing as opposed to the venerable streamer. Seems the trout decided to act like trout and not pike as previous years. fair enough, we can adapt.
Speaking of adapting. The 14th Annual Hamroom Walleye tournament took place this last Saturday. Dude Hale walked away with the event, 28+ pounds and maybe 8 over second place team of Farr and Johnson. Ingy and I donned the "Gitmo Fish" orange jumpsuits and proceeded to spend all day battling the 30+ mph winds and finished seventh or so. We only weighed 4 and had a 22" but no consistent good bite. Dude was fishing within sight of us for most of the day, we knew something had to be up but I'm not one to crowd a fella, wasn't anyway. I am now.
Guiding has been a little slow too, which I completely understand but still don't like. Aside from the ability to make a living, the client interaction really is what it's all about. I dig people and always look forward to making a new Friend. It'll pick up soon and already is a little as I've been booking some trips over the last few days.
Musky opens this weekend, I'm deep in the pits of a bathroom remodel and am struggling with time, fishing vs. work. arrgghhh. I guess either is "dropping by the jobsite" but I like completing projects and the benefits of doing so. I usually fish with Googh, er Todd Hess, a musky wizard in his own right. Last opener I think we each got a 40ish incher as I recall. it was cold however and the current heat wave could really start things off with a bang, no high water either...guess I'll go for a couple hours anyway.
I'll be out over the next few days and get some more intel rolling, bye for now.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hello Y'all! I've Been back in MN for a couple of weeks now, getting myself adjusted to the pace of big city life again. For 3 months, I did little or no driving, watched little or no TV and spent even less time on the PC. Folks ask about the great time I had, but it didn't really involve the beauty of Alaska as much as the company of the people I was with. So ya, I had a GREAT time with my buddy Curt, his wife Alyssa and the girls, Serena Rose and Maggie. We worked our ever loving asses off for about 85 of the 90 days I was in town. It's a great place, everyone should go.
More on AK later, lets talk some fishing eh?
LOUSY! Despite what looks like great conditions, water levels and such, the fishing has been off, at least on the waters I've been fishing. The St. Croix opened up saturday to the usual fanfare, 75 boats jockeying for position in the channel and lots of reports of 14.5" short eyes. We fished hard all day and only got one for the box. We being Fred (aka creek warrior) and I. Thinking I'd do better on monday with less traffic and anglers about, I went and put another full day in searching, same results, one for the box. The males were still spewing milt, so I'm guessing the spawn just got over and the big girls will be strapping on the feed bag just in time for the HAMROOM in 2 weeks or so.
The trout scene has also been a little slow. Wednesday night fishing club convened last night with Robbie and Whahoo on board. I was the only guy to manage a fish, scrappy little 13" brown and that was it. So far this year I've got 10 I think, with one at 20" or so. I've not been on the kinni or the Rush but intend to here this coming week, hopefully with some clients. The guiding is starting out a little slower than I like, but frankly I expected it a little with the economy the way it is right now. Hopefully when schools out, folks will feel more compelled to keep their fishing business local and fish the area, as opposed to hitting the road to Montana.
I've kept my 09' rates the same as 08' and added a "kids fish free" component in order to get some family involvement this summer, lets spread the word and lets get out fishing!
In the meanwhile, still doing bathrooms and kitchens and I'm off to look at a job right now. more later with some recent images and more info!
More on AK later, lets talk some fishing eh?
LOUSY! Despite what looks like great conditions, water levels and such, the fishing has been off, at least on the waters I've been fishing. The St. Croix opened up saturday to the usual fanfare, 75 boats jockeying for position in the channel and lots of reports of 14.5" short eyes. We fished hard all day and only got one for the box. We being Fred (aka creek warrior) and I. Thinking I'd do better on monday with less traffic and anglers about, I went and put another full day in searching, same results, one for the box. The males were still spewing milt, so I'm guessing the spawn just got over and the big girls will be strapping on the feed bag just in time for the HAMROOM in 2 weeks or so.
The trout scene has also been a little slow. Wednesday night fishing club convened last night with Robbie and Whahoo on board. I was the only guy to manage a fish, scrappy little 13" brown and that was it. So far this year I've got 10 I think, with one at 20" or so. I've not been on the kinni or the Rush but intend to here this coming week, hopefully with some clients. The guiding is starting out a little slower than I like, but frankly I expected it a little with the economy the way it is right now. Hopefully when schools out, folks will feel more compelled to keep their fishing business local and fish the area, as opposed to hitting the road to Montana.
I've kept my 09' rates the same as 08' and added a "kids fish free" component in order to get some family involvement this summer, lets spread the word and lets get out fishing!
In the meanwhile, still doing bathrooms and kitchens and I'm off to look at a job right now. more later with some recent images and more info!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
January 10th.....
The passing of 8am or so marks another year under my belt. Yep, 41 years old today I am. I can remember sitting back in my late teens early twenties wondering where or what I'd be doing when I was 40...From where I sit, things are going pretty swell and 41 feels good.
A few weeks ago, just before Christmas I asked for Jennifer's hand in marriage and lucky for me she said yes! We are stoked to create a sweet life together, we've got some plans and both believe with hard work and some luck we'll be taken care of.
To celebrate the aforementioned accomplishments we are having a good old fashioned throw down tonight. Fish Taco's, corn chowder, keg o' summit and about 30 of our close friends and family should be coming by. Not to mention the fact that in a weeks time I'll be in Cordova AK for the remainder of the winter. I'm starting to get really excited about this trip, it's going to be a long time away no doubt, but we'll have some adventures and I'm really looking forward to working aboard Curt's boat. We've been talking some and it may turn into an annual event depending on how I do as a crew member. I'm guessing I'll do just fine.
I'll be posting from Alaska over the next couple of months,, maybe even a report on winter King fishing or at the very least some amazing images from one of the truly beautiful places on earth.
A few weeks ago, just before Christmas I asked for Jennifer's hand in marriage and lucky for me she said yes! We are stoked to create a sweet life together, we've got some plans and both believe with hard work and some luck we'll be taken care of.
To celebrate the aforementioned accomplishments we are having a good old fashioned throw down tonight. Fish Taco's, corn chowder, keg o' summit and about 30 of our close friends and family should be coming by. Not to mention the fact that in a weeks time I'll be in Cordova AK for the remainder of the winter. I'm starting to get really excited about this trip, it's going to be a long time away no doubt, but we'll have some adventures and I'm really looking forward to working aboard Curt's boat. We've been talking some and it may turn into an annual event depending on how I do as a crew member. I'm guessing I'll do just fine.
I'll be posting from Alaska over the next couple of months,, maybe even a report on winter King fishing or at the very least some amazing images from one of the truly beautiful places on earth.
big pike mike,
fly fishing,
guided fly fishing,
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