Like most folks in my position, there's gotta be a regular job to pay the mortgage in the winter month's, and I've not yet given into the idea of moving somewhere's to guide year round quite yet. Maybe when I'm 50. So in the meanwhile, I'll continue on with working with my hands. I'm a handyman for all intents and purposes, although I prefer craftsman. I've learned enough over the years to be proficient at just about anything but haven't yet admitted to myself that it's what I should be doing. Having spent 9 years or so behind a desk, albeit in a very good working environment, I'm destined to carve out my own niche, win or lose. This work, like a lot of my guide gig's, comes word of mouth. It's nice when folks are pleased enough to recommend you to family or friends. I've been on a bathroom remodeling tear, Ben dubbed it "pimping the crapper", I think I need to turn that into a cable TV show.
Today I went to a funeral, for the father of my good friend Ingy. Ingy had the misfortune of finding his father dead in his easy chair on monday morning. In her rememberance of hre father, Ingy's sister told an interesting story about an old scottish tradition whereas when a person passes from this life, a window is opened to allow their essence/spirit to pass through. She thanked Ingy for opening the window for his father. I was pretty moved by this, Ingy is a pretty private guy and it was a nice little insight into his thoughts. Be well brother Ingy.
Plans are being laid for the Alaskan adventure, which is getting to be just around the corner. I must admit to being a bit nervous, despite having traveled well in my day, Ive never been away from home for such a long period of time. However much I miss my gal's, Jennifer & Elsie, I know it's an opportunity I can't miss. Curt is looking forward to the time together and thinks I'll work out well as a deck hand or tender captain, I think I'll do just fine and come back with all my fingers. The added bonus of winter king fishing near town will quell my hook and line jones....
really not much fishing to report and it looks like were going to get a full on freeze with subzero highs on monday and tuesday, I think I'll stay indoors.
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