This is a topic you'll be hearing about plenty in the future.
Think Globally, Fish Locally (TGFL from here on out) is something I've been thinking about and working on for some time now. the idea behind TGFL is pretty simple really, to help promote the unique local (wherever you call local) angling opportunities and to see what sort of awareness and motivation we can bring to the idea of supporting your local fishing economy. As well as and maybe more importantly lessening the effects that all the focus on adventure travel has on the fisheries, the local business's and the "carbon footprint" it leaves when you fly 7000 miles to chase trout or any other species for that matter. By no means is this going to have negative connotations, no bashing of individuals or groups who either travel or arrange such gigs, but rather to seek out the adventures available in your own back yard and how to more effectively be a good steward to the environment and the local revenue stream.
See in the coming weeks for useful links, information on our group and how to help. This is something everyone who values our waters should be interested and involved in.